Asturias Natural Paradise
Nature, tradition, and premium quality
Bordered by the Cantabrian Sea to the North and the Cordillera Cantábrica (Picos de Europa) to the South. It is made up of a permanent landscape of valleys which, starting from the seashore, rise in a few kilometres to the tops of the mountains that make up this area.
This landscape, which is abrupt and green, by reason of its orography, was the reason for the secular isolation of its inhabitants with regard to other regions and even other valleys in the same region. In this way multiple and varied cultural manifestations have appeared during the centuries, generally transmitted in an oral manner.
This multiplicity of cultures is shown in one way in the people’s habits concerning food, leading to unsuspected wealth in the variety and exquisite nature of its products.
Our company
We select those producers with traditional methods of production combined with the most modern quality controls guaranteeing the maximum quality of our range of products.
La tradición más artesana, consciente de la gran diversidad y excelencia de nuestros productos, convive con los adelantos técnicos de nuestras queserías y hornos, de donde salen al mercado cada año con destino a toda Asturias, España, Europa y diversos países del mundo nuestros mejores productos.
Contacta con nosotros si estás interesad@ en distribuir nuestros productos:
Our products
We select those producers with traditional methods of production combined with the most modern quality controls guaranteeing the maximum quality of our range of products.
On the coast of asturias there is a fishing tradition that, together with the quality of the products from the land, provides our preserves with the basic ingredients for a traditional and artisanal elaboration, without additives.
The careful selection and proper handling of raw materials are our brand seal of quality.
The indigenous peoples cultivated the cocoa plant. the aztecs called cocoa “cacahuatle” and the drink they prepared with “chocoalt”. Such was it value that they used the seeds as currency. The spanish introduced cocoa to europe in 1528. From then on it spread throughout the continent.
Our varieties are produced in accordance with the tradition and the know-how of the craftsmen.